Laser Digital, Nomura’s Digital Asset Subsidiary, Announces Strategic Partnership with Pyth Network as a Data Provider.

Zurich, 07/03/2024 In a groundbreaking move for decentralized finance (DeFi), Laser Digital, Nomura’s digital asset subsidiary, proudly announces its involvement as a data provider to Pyth Network. This collaboration signifies a pivotal moment in Laser Digital’s commitment to redefine how financial market data is accessed and utilized within the decentralized ecosystem. Established in April 2021, Pyth Network has risen to become one of the largest oracle networks, drawing data from over 90 first-party providers across traditional asset and crypto markets. This network includes leading trading firms, market makers, crypto exchanges, and traditional exchanges globally. Laser Digital’s addition to this network is a monumental step, injecting valuable expertise and experience from the existing banking world into the dynamic DeFi community.

Laser Digital will initially contribute crypto pricing data to the network. Pyth has scaled to include over 400 price feeds, which include not just digital assets but also traditional assets like stocks/ETFs, foreign exchange, and commodities. The partnership aligns seamlessly with the blockchain industry’s trajectory towards high throughput DeFi and the growing demand for low-latency, high-frequency on-chain data.

 “We are thrilled to see Laser Digital join the Pyth Network. This is a fantastic step forward in building the leading financial market data oracle for web3,” commented Mike Cahill, CEO of Douro Labs, a contributor to the Pyth ecosystem. “The company’s commitment to an open and dynamic culture, coupled with its market adaptability, aligns seamlessly with Pyth Network’s vision.”

“We are excited to support Pyth Network in its journey as a decentralized data provider. We look forward to leveraging our expertise and experience to contribute to the growth of the Pyth ecosystem”, stated Jez Mohideen, CEO, Laser Digital.

As Pyth Network continues its evolution, Laser Digital remains steadfast in its dedication to providing market participants with the tools and resources needed to unlock the full potential of decentralized finance.

“The Pyth Network ecosystem has data contributors from all corners of traditional markets and crypto markets, including the top trading firms and exchanges globally. It is really fantastic to see Laser Digital join this community to help bring in perspective and expertise from the existing finance world.” commented Marc Tillement of the Pyth Data Association.

About Laser Digital

Laser Digital is a digital asset business redefining the frontier of digital finance. Backed by Nomura, Laser Digital delivers scalable, robust opportunities across trading, asset management, and ventures. The team works at higher risk management standards, compliance, and commercial viability, all driven by a belief in more responsible engagement in digital assets. With an open and dynamic culture, Laser Digital has the freedom to adapt to market needs, to move swiftly to capitalisation, and to share learnings with clients and partners – bringing greater confidence to the institutional market for the benefit of all.

For more information, please visit:

About Pyth Network

Pyth Network is the largest first-party oracle network designed to publish financial market data on-chain for decentralized applications. With over 90 first-party data providers, Pyth Network offers real-time price feeds for a wide range of asset classes, including cryptocurrencies, equities, foreign exchange pairs, ETFs, and commodities, on more than 50 blockchains.

For more information about Pyth Network, visit:

Media Contact:

Sophie Arnold

Head of Communications

Laser Digital


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